It is a specialty of traditional osteopathy focused on addressing pathologies or dysfunctions related to women, whether at the gynecological level itself or at the hormonal level. Through different techniques on the uro-genital sphere or at a distance, dysfunctions or pathologies such as:

  • Dysmenorrhea (menstrual pain).
  • Irregularities in the menstrual cycle.
  • Dyspareunia (pain during sexual intercourse).
  • Fertility problems.
  • Chronic pelvic pain, neuralgia of the pudendal nerve.
  • Vaginism
  • Coccygodynia (coccyx pain).
  • Vaginal scars (episiotomies).
  • Abdominal scars (cesareans, hysterectomy, digestive tract…).
  • Genital prolapses (descent of structures of the lower pelvis: bladder, uterus, rectum).


At the first visit we ask the patient different questions that allow us to relate different symptoms to structures and systems of the body.

Then we move on to the exploration, which is carried out from the general to the specific, so as not to forget or overlook anything important. Finally we will make a treatment plan setting short, medium and long term goals, and we will begin to address the problem.

In the following visits, which will be scheduled at different intervals according to the reason for the consultation, work continues on the previously defined line, adapting the visits based on the appearance of new symptoms or re-conducting according to the improvement.


It’s always a good time to do some recognition.

In health, prevention and maintenance are essential as this is where we will have the most therapeutic window. However, if you have any symptoms or problems related to hormonal imbalances, fertility or gynecological problems, do not hesitate to consult us.

If you are pregnant or have just had a baby, gynecological osteopathy may be of interest to you.

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