Does this sound familiar?: “My lower back hurts and I’ve been told to strengthen my abs, to work CORE”, “At the gym, in pilates, when doing which exercise they tell me to activate CORE”, “CORE not is doing sit-ups?” …


At Somsalut we like you to learn to know your body better, to consciously work your muscles, and to have control over your movements. And a good starting point to focus on is the CORE, the nucleus, the center of your body!

The navel is our point of reference, around this area forces are transferred from one part of the body to the other, and any imbalance here can affect the rest of us.

Observe the effect produced by a girdle when it wraps around our waist: it holds and protects our vertebrae, before we pick up a weight it already gives us support, helps us stabilize the lumbar spine… You create this girdle with your muscles! To do this, you need to pay attention to how your diaphragm, transversus abdominis, multifidus or paravertebral, and pelvic floor work. The joint activation of all of them are your girdle, they generate like a ball of air inside the abdomen, which is what helps us reduce the compressive forces on the vertebrae and also reduces the work of the muscles that keep up (he suffers so much from back pain).

And just as when we build a house we need to establish good foundations, these are the foundations of CORE musculature.

Although you think that CORE is made up of 29 pairs of muscles that include the trunk, pelvis, and thighs.

So once we have this base, these firm foundations, we would add the rectus anterior and the obliques, the famous tablet. Then the movement of the pelvis, legs, arms, and rotations of the trunk,… The CORE is the progression in the exercises!

Taking care of your CORE helps you to:

  • Prevent backaches,
  • Sciatica
  • Correct your posture
  • Be more efficient in executing your exercises in the gym
  • Pilates
  • yoga
  • And you even improve your sports performance.

With physiotherapy and osteopathy, at Somsalut, we help you with your pain and re-educate your body, to learn new patterns of functioning! It teaches your brain to move your muscles and to direct your movements.

I hope that after reading this you can see more clearly what CORE is and that it has helped you understand why it is important to work on it.

And if you have doubts, clear them up by asking us or come and see us at Somsalut.

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