Today we will discuss what they are, why they occur, and how we can treat and improve our babies’ colic through pediatric osteopathy.

First of all, if you are reading this it is because your child is really having a hard time and so are you.

But how can we know if it’s colic or something else?

Our baby’s cry is like speaking, depending on the way it does we will know what is happening; if he is hungry, if he is upset, or if he is unwell. In colic, usually, the crying is impossible to appease; prolonged crying in the most serious cases can last more than 3 hours.

Approximately one 25% of babies suffer from colic. It is a very high number and more when we have our little ones in our arms crying, screaming, turning red, flexing their arms and legs strongly, and we do not know how to act, since they have eaten, their diaper is clean and not they have a fever

Usually at these times, we visit our pediatrician and that’s what we have to do. However, sometimes the change in milk, habits, food, or others do not calm these colics. Then pediatric osteopathy can help you.

And if you need help, here at SOMSALUT we can help you. You may not be able to find the right tools to soothe your baby. Why does this happen?

Mainly, most colic happens for several reasons and not just one, which is why it is so difficult to find a miracle solution. In the consultations that have been attending SOMSALUT for years, the most frequent reasons for which they appear are:

  1. Alteration of the microbial flora present in our digestive tract.
  2. Gastrointestinal immaturity.
  3. Smoking mother or poor maternal nutrition.
  4. Allergy or intolerance to cow’s milk.
  5. Parental stress, anxiety.
  6. A complicated pregnancy or birth.

If you think it might be one, you may have already tried to change the habit or you can do it now and see if it works. However, if this does not happen, pediatric osteopathy may be the tool that the baby needs.

How do we treat infant colic at SOMSALUT?

After years of training and working with babies at SOMSALUT, we have been able to see great improvements in the little ones who have come for consultation. Why does this happen? Our visits focus on you as a family nucleus. The possibility of spending an hour with the professional will provide you with many tools, (such as massages, mobilizations, etc.) all to improve these bad moments. Both in the acute moment and before the colic attack happens, these techniques will make certain moments with your baby easier. In addition, we have specific knowledge to treat it most gently and effectively.

After getting to know your case specifically, with a fairly complete initial questioning, we carry out an examination of your child where we will explain to you the tensions and dysfunctions we observe. Subsequently, and seeing whether or not there are alterations, dysfunctions, hard bellies, etc. we will do the most appropriate treatment in each case, to improve the symptomatology that produces the colic. Our way of working is always in favor of the baby and we try to treat and give you tools not only to solve this problem, but also so that your children do not have to spend long periods of sessions in consultation.

If you have any questions or want to tell me about your specific case, I will be happy to help you. I am Albert Sureda, a physiotherapist and osteopath specializing in pediatric osteopathy.

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